SOC Students Bring Environmental Sociology to the Community

This fall, students in Dr. Charlotte Roberts SOC 333: Environmental Sociology course participated in a semester-long community compost outreach project. The students partnered with Zero Waste Providence, a local organization that focuses on creating opportunities for members of the Providence community to participate in more sustainable lifestyles and economies. The students took part in this collective effort by going door-to-door to talk with residents about food scrap recycling options, including drop-off sites at the Community Libraries of Providence. In total, the students knocked on 874 doors, registering initial interest from over 60 households and contributing to an increase in enrollments for the free drop-off service.

Thank you very much to Zero Waste Providence for their collaboration and support, especially Carla Doughty, Michael, Victor, and Denise!

(Back left to right) Michael, Victor, and Denise from Zero Waste Providence, Dr. Roberts, Colin Hogan. (Front left to right) Carla Doughty – Zero Waste Community Advisor, Jordan Brenner, Maggie McCormick, and Olivia Waite.
(left to right) Maggie McCormick, Olivia Waite, and Jordan Brenner
Maggie McCormick at the compost dropoff bin at the Wanskuck Library
(Left to right) Dr. Roberts, Olivia Waite, Maggie McCormick, Colin Hogan, and Jordan Brenner
(Left to right) Dr. Roberts, Olivia Waite, Michael Hickey, Colin Hogan, and Maggie McCormick.

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