In Memoriam: Dr. Hugh F. Lena III, ’20 HON.

By Dr. Josephine Ruggiero, Emerita Professor of Sociology, and Dr. Eric Hirsch, Professor of Sociology

On January 4, 2025, the Sociology Department and Providence College lost an esteemed and talented colleague and administrator. Hugh joined the Sociology Department as Assistant Professor of Sociology in September of 1974.  A graduate of Notre Dame University in Indiana and the University of Connecticut (UCONN) Sociology Department where he earned his doctorate, Hugh became a valued teacher, colleague, and friend to many during his years as a full-time faculty member in sociology, rising to the rank of Professor of Sociology during his teaching career. 

A gentle man and balanced thinker, Hugh routinely impressed colleagues by his thoughtful comments during department meetings or when asked for his opinion during conversations with colleagues both inside and outside the Sociology Department. Hugh always greeted others on campus with a smile and his full attention.

Hugh developed a routine of arriving very early on campus, even before colleagues who taught 8:30 am classes. One day, just after the sun rose, he was chased by a coyote in the parking lot! He loved PC and teaching his students. In addition to Introduction to Sociology, Hugh developed and taught courses in the Sociology of Organizations and the Sociology of Medicine on a regular basis. In addition to teaching PC undergraduates, Hugh also taught nursing students from nearby Fatima Hospital in North Providence.

It was not long before Hugh became recognized for his many contributions outside of the Sociology Department– primarily through his work on college committees and in the Faculty Senate. As a Senate member and later as Senate President, Hugh was always the person who could remember past legislation. 

During the Shanley administration, Hugh was offered, and accepted, a position as Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs.  Subsequently, he was appointed as the first, and longest-serving Provost at Providence College. Hugh retired as Provost Emerita in 2020 and spent two years involved in a Leadership Program at his beloved Alma Mater, Notre Dame. Upon his return to Rhode Island, Hugh was seen from time to time on campus where he enjoyed interacting with former colleagues in the Emeriti Suite and going for lunch at nearby restaurants with other retired faculty.

Hugh will be missed by his colleagues in the Sociology and Anthropology Department and by many other members of the Providence College community.